Save Sylhet

Small Effort Make Big Changes.


Rome wasn’t built in a day, but they were laying bricks every hour. — James Clear Sometimes it can feel like a task is just way too big to take on. Maybe you want to pick up a new skill or start a new hobby. Or perhaps you want to make huge changes in your life, like starting a new career or launching your own business. Whatever it is, you have some dream or goal in mind, but then you start to think about how much work it’s going to take to get there. And the more you think about it, the more you start to realize other things that need doing along the way to your goal. Pretty quickly, the challenges have piled up, and your finish line is nowhere in sight. Getting to the end, now, just seems unachievable to you from where you’re. You started enthusiastic about climbing a small hill and achieving something worthwhile, but now you’re staring up at Everest, and you’re not sure it’s going to be worth the struggle. It doesn’t seem like you’d be able to do it, you tell yourself. So you do the only reasonable thing. You give up. The problem is, we’ve all been trained to look for instant gratification. In our modern lives, where we can get most of the things we want with the click of a button, we’ve stopped learning to try. We’ve stopped putting in the effort. If you can’t achieve something right now and get those good mental feelings right away, you somehow tell yourself that it’s not worth it. So instead of making any change or taking on a project, you spend the time convincing yourself that’s it not worth the effort to even start. But have you ever imagine that if you just simply decide what it is that you want, and then take small conscious steps on a daily basis with a united team, you will make a huge differences? Exactly like this Save Sylhet’s works. We are generally doing little things with the help of million people. We are doing 263 projects to change the world positively, make the world better places and give fundamental human rights for all human beings.

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